
     All summer I have been babysitting. Today we went to Deanna Rose and saw all the farm animals. We fed the baby goats, which were so cute. We then headed over to get ice cream. I had a cone while one kid got a milkshake and the other also got a cone. We went to sit over at the picnic table when all of the sudden the milkshake slipped through one of the children's hands and spilt everywhere. We left after a worker helped clean the mess up and I felt awful. The drive home was completely silent. when we got home I made them lunch. They had tv and lunch time. after that we played a very fun game they have called "uzzle". You have to match the blocks to the card you turn over and whoever does it first gets to keep the card. After all the cards are used you count them and whoever has the most wins. When we were done with "uzzle" they requested to go to the pool, so we went. We were there for an hour and a half. They asked to leave so we did. When we got home we played more "uzzle" and in the middle of the game their mom came home. I found that going out to keep the kids entertained makes the day go by faster and they have just as much fun as I do. Deanna Rose is a great example of this. I believe we spent about thirty minutes feeding and play with the goats. The kids found that very fun and we kept going back to see the goats. We also all enjoy playing games. Another favorite of theirs is "go fish". We played for an hour that day as well. It is a fun way to let the kids have fun and not be on electronics.


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