
     On Monday this week, the kids and I had a relaxing day. We did their schoolwork, played games, and went to the pool. We also made birthday cards for their dad since the next day was his birthday. On Tuesday we had a lot of iPad and tv time. We tried going to a park but the mom forgot to leave behind their car seats so we stayed in and went to the neighborhood park. Today was a bit more fun. They woke up late so we did tv time and breakfast first. Then we went to the park. The younger one found a friend to play with while the oldest was a bit bored. We stayed for about thirty minutes until they requested to go home. We went home and had lunch. I made us all pizza. Then we did school work and played sequence. The park was a great idea. They got their energy out and were not inside all day on such a nice Wednesday. Another great activity is finding a pool to go to. Kids their age make friends easily and also play well with each other. I have found this to be an amazing way to keep the kids busy for about two hours and they always beg to go. On the other hand, making them do school work can be difficult. When asking them to read I learned it is better to have a book picked out and find a new spot everyday to read to keep them engaged and excited. To get them to do math or other assignments that their mom leaves it helps to have both sit away from each other so one does not feel rushed. It has gotten easier to get them to do their work after talking to their mom but keeping them engaged always helps and making school fun.


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