
     We had big start to the week. The youngest lost a tooth. It was hanging on by a thread when I got there. He pulled it after breakfast and it was disgusting. He was very excited and wanted to show his mom. He tried hiding the tooth as a surprise but I did not want it to get lost or not seen for the tooth fairy. He did not like me telling him no but I had to. The temperature got up to ninety-eight degrees so that morning we did an obstacle course they made. It was a great way to exercise before it got too hot. Then we did homework and reading but it was still a struggle to get them to read. We had a relaxing day playing games and having some tv time. On Tuesday it was still very hot. I tried to get them to do an indoor scavenger hunt but the oldest thinks she is too old to play. The youngest then did not want to play because he saw his sister not participating. I was frustrated because I did not know how to entertain them anymore without spending money. They decided to play a card game called trash. They beat me every round and we played for two hours. They love cards and I think it is an amazing way to get their brains going. On Wednesday we rode our bikes up to the grocery store. it took about ten minutes to get there and we found sports drinks and sat down to drink them. This was so fun and they really enjoyed it. When we got back I made lunch and we headed to the pool but they started bickering so we left. I think I left their house that day leaving two very worn our kids for the parents.


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