
     This week it was getting harder to find things to do with the kids that they enjoyed. I texted their mom to ask for ideas because I was unsure of what I was allowed to do with them. She responded and was very open to anything. The next day we decided to bake. We went to the store and got red velvet cake mix and cream cheese frosting. When we got home the kids were excited to help. They took turns adding ingredient's to the bowl. They also offered to mix it together. After it was mixed I started filling the liners with mix and put them in the oven. We had some down time so they played on their ipads. Then it was time to decorate. We mixed color into the frosting and began. When I was finished I helped the little boy with his cupcakes. I frosted while he added sprinkles to each. The older one was a professional. She had her own frosting decorator. She then sprinkled everything. After we all finished we cleaned up. I felt this was a great way to keep them entertained with a fun reward at the end.  The next day we went to three parks. The first one I had not realized they been to. They played for about ten minutes so while they played I looked for different parks. The older one things she is too big for parks but the next one we went to said otherwise. They played on the swings or twenty-five minutes. They were worn out when we left. Then we went to one near by and they again played for ten minutes until they requested to go home. We went home and read books which was slightly harder this week still. The little one was defiant at first but then we got it done.


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