
 This week the kids and I started off with going to a few parks. They did not love the first one so we went to a second one we had already went to. They played for ten minutes before it got too hot. We went home and decided to have a relaxing day and hangout inside since the high was suppose to be ninety-six degrees. We ate lunch and watched tv. On Tuesday the kids wanted to hangout at my house. We went over and the girl begged to do my makeup. I let her and it was a good bonding experience because I got to teach her new things about makeup. She did a pretty good job then she let me do hers. She loved it and I was glad. While we did this my sister entertained her brother. My sister is very good with boys. They played Nintendo and had a blast. We all loaded up then and headed to Price Chopper for some Mac and Cheese. The kids watched tv while my sister and I bonded. We ended with playing clue and I won. Turns out we had a card missing on the floor so that messed up the whole game. Today I took them to Putt Putt but it was indoors. My sister tagged along as well. We played for around thirty minutes and both kids did pretty good. I won though again. Then we went for sno cones because they had both finished their summer reading logs and their mom told me I was allowed to take them. It was surprisingly a very clean day. When we got home the little boy asked to go play with his friend so the girl and I watched tv the rest of the day. All around we had a good week.


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