
     This week was bad. The kids were down right rude. I was not having it. While reading the little boy told me his legs were tired so I asked him to come sit down so we could read. He opened the first page and read two words then said he was tired so I told him he could nap after we read. He threw a huge fit and was screaming and crying. So I thought maybe he does need a nap to I let him lay down while I did the dishes. He came down ten minutes later and asked to read and promised not to fight. We read four pages before the temper tantrum of the century started. He was wining, screaming, crying and I could not get him to stop. This went on for forty minutes. I told him instead we could do his work better. That helped and he did that with no fight. I told his mom about the meltdown and she had a conversation with him that night. I found out he was bringing me books that were way too hard for him to read. The mom also said it might be best to make him read before he is allowed ipad or tv time. That worked and we read with no problem the next morning. After that we wanted to go to the lake. We drove all the way there with my friend only for it to be closed. We had to search for something else to do. Luckily a pool near by was open. We swam for two hours. We then got lunch and headed home. I have never seen two kids so worn out.


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