
The whole summer

 As I only have six days left with the kids I wanted to go through and talk about some of or favorite activities we did. First was the Museum at Prariefire. This offered them to first design a dinosaur when they walk in and it projects onto a screen in the front room. Next, when we went upstairs the room was filled with insects and small furry animals. We could not pet them but it was still fun to look. Next was the library. They loved picking out books but also doing the activities offered at the library. After the library we went to Scheels one day and the kids enjoy going on the Farris wheel especially alone. Next was a pool we found. We were all worn out that day. We jumped off diving boards, went down slides, and swam for two hours. Another was riding bikes to Price Chopper. It was a good way to get them active and show them directions. The kids loved staying at home as well. We spent hours playing board games and card games. This was good because it taught them good sportsmanship


 This week the kids and I started off with going to a few parks. They did not love the first one so we went to a second one we had already went to. They played for ten minutes before it got too hot. We went home and decided to have a relaxing day and hangout inside since the high was suppose to be ninety-six degrees. We ate lunch and watched tv. On Tuesday the kids wanted to hangout at my house. We went over and the girl begged to do my makeup. I let her and it was a good bonding experience because I got to teach her new things about makeup. She did a pretty good job then she let me do hers. She loved it and I was glad. While we did this my sister entertained her brother. My sister is very good with boys. They played Nintendo and had a blast. We all loaded up then and headed to Price Chopper for some Mac and Cheese. The kids watched tv while my sister and I bonded. We ended with playing clue and I won. Turns out we had a card missing on the floor so that messed up the whole game. Today


     This week was bad. The kids were down right rude. I was not having it. While reading the little boy told me his legs were tired so I asked him to come sit down so we could read. He opened the first page and read two words then said he was tired so I told him he could nap after we read. He threw a huge fit and was screaming and crying. So I thought maybe he does need a nap to I let him lay down while I did the dishes. He came down ten minutes later and asked to read and promised not to fight. We read four pages before the temper tantrum of the century started. He was wining, screaming, crying and I could not get him to stop. This went on for forty minutes. I told him instead we could do his work better. That helped and he did that with no fight. I told his mom about the meltdown and she had a conversation with him that night. I found out he was bringing me books that were way too hard for him to read. The mom also said it might be best to make him read before he is allowed ipad or


       This week it was getting harder to find things to do with the kids that they enjoyed. I texted their mom to ask for ideas because I was unsure of what I was allowed to do with them. She responded and was very open to anything. The next day we decided to bake. We went to the store and got red velvet cake mix and cream cheese frosting. When we got home the kids were excited to help. They took turns adding ingredient's to the bowl. They also offered to mix it together. After it was mixed I started filling the liners with mix and put them in the oven. We had some down time so they played on their ipads. Then it was time to decorate. We mixed color into the frosting and began. When I was finished I helped the little boy with his cupcakes. I frosted while he added sprinkles to each. The older one was a professional. She had her own frosting decorator. She then sprinkled everything. After we all finished we cleaned up. I felt this was a great way to keep them entertained with a fun


       We had big start to the week. The youngest lost a tooth. It was hanging on by a thread when I got there. He pulled it after breakfast and it was disgusting. He was very excited and wanted to show his mom. He tried hiding the tooth as a surprise but I did not want it to get lost or not seen for the tooth fairy. He did not like me telling him no but I had to. The temperature got up to ninety-eight degrees so that morning we did an obstacle course they made. It was a great way to exercise before it got too hot. Then we did homework and reading but it was still a struggle to get them to read. We had a relaxing day playing games and having some tv time. On Tuesday it was still very hot. I tried to get them to do an indoor scavenger hunt but the oldest thinks she is too old to play. The youngest then did not want to play because he saw his sister not participating. I was frustrated because I did not know how to entertain them anymore without spending money. They decided to play a card


       This we was a bit rough. It was very warm outside and it is starting to get hard to find activities to do that we had not already done. On Monday we stayed in the house and played games and watched the minions movie. While it is good to keep them busy and active sometimes kids need a movie and game day too. They started acting out a little like telling me no to reading or lying and saying they will read with mom later. I trust these kids because they are very good and nice kids but I learned that they will still try and get away with things. The youngest ended up not reading at all that day. I had no idea and he kept telling me he would read that night and I trusted him and that the mom would take care of it. I learned later that he had been lying because his sister ratted him out. I felt awful that I had not been more firm on making him read. I was also quite upset that the mom had not reached out to me and talked about these concerns but I let it go and we ended up reading tha


      On Monday this week, the kids and I had a relaxing day. We did their schoolwork, played games, and went to the pool. We also made birthday cards for their dad since the next day was his birthday. On Tuesday we had a lot of iPad and tv time. We tried going to a park but the mom forgot to leave behind their car seats so we stayed in and went to the neighborhood park. Today was a bit more fun. They woke up late so we did tv time and breakfast first. Then we went to the park. The younger one found a friend to play with while the oldest was a bit bored. We stayed for about thirty minutes until they requested to go home. We went home and had lunch. I made us all pizza. Then we did school work and played sequence. The park was a great idea. They got their energy out and were not inside all day on such a nice Wednesday. Another great activity is finding a pool to go to. Kids their age make friends easily and also play well with each other. I have found this to be an amazing way to keep t